Part 104: Super High-school Level Update #93

Mukuro Ikusaba...


Mukuro Ikusaba...

The sixteenth student in this academy...

The girl they call "Super High-school Level Despair"...

Beware Mukuro Ikusaba...
"Beware"... Kirigiri-san imparted that warning to me...
...three days before the incident took place.
Three days before we found ourselves faced with another murder.
Three days before that most horrible incident took place...
CHAPTER FIVE: Despair Junk Food for a Dashing Youth
The day after Oogami-san's trial... The morning meetup at the cafeteria...

Well, then, we should begin our standard post-trial investigation.

Wait, no preliminary remarks?! Going straight to the main issue is unprecedented over here...!

...If you wish to work along with me, I will not tolerate useless banter.

As usual, he's acting all high and mighty...

He's just covering up his shyness. That's what I choose to believe.

...Anyway, if you want to take down the mastermind, do as I tell you.

For someone acting as stealthily as a mouse, our mastermind's sense of pride swells up like a cow's belly.

I'll show you how one exterminates such a person.


...Fukawa-chi is being strangely quiet today, 'right?


Gloomy and wordless, just like a mushroom! Ahaha! Mushroom-girl!!


She isn't even talking back...

Every time she speaks our conversation deteriorates. I told her she is not allowed to open her mouth without my explicit permission.

Eh!? If she doesn't open her mouth, she can't even eat or drink!

I don't mind.

And you're okay with that, Fukawa-chi?!!


As usual, she's acting all low and cowardly...

It seems we couldn't avoid the useless banter after all.

That... wasn't my fault.

...That said, this will be the last time I allow myself to drop down to your pace.

Let's start the investigation. Move your bodies for once, not your mouths.
Hastened by a surly Togami-kun, we started the investigation.
Time to go to the fourth floor stairway, I guess.
Yep, all open now.
This is Hope's Peak Academy's fifth floor...
As usual, a new area opened up.
Nevertheless, this time... compared to the other floors, something feels different.

There's a... strange atmosphere here.
And here's your map for the new floor:
Traditionally, I would have stopped here, but since doing that would make a short update even shorter, let's break tradition and continue our exploration for just a little bit.
Tradition can only be broken to a certain extent, though. So, as usual, I'll start with the classrooms.
(Top-left) The Secret of Night-Time
(Monobear): Ahhh ♥ More ♥
(Legs): Aren't you down, Monobear?
(Naegi [it says so on his shirt]): Ahaha! Try to catch me!
(Monobear): Wait! I'm going to punish you!
(Kirigiri): Disgusting.

...Hm? I think she wants to say something.

What is it, Fukawa-san?


Is she trying to tell me something?
I don't think she's done yet...


I can't understand you if you don't say a word, you know.

Fukawa-san drooped her shoulders, giving up.
There's one more classroom in this floor, if we turn right at the first intersection.
But first, we run into Asahina in the corridor.

Y'know... This floor feels a little different than the others...

It feels... like it's more important, somehow. I hope it's not gonna turn up to be important in a bad way...
Right. Let's get the boring classrooms over with.